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Senior Pastors
Proximity Church is focused on doing “Life in Proximity.” Proximity means to be near in space, time, and relationship.  Near each other through meeting weekly for our Sunday experience, our C.I.R.C.L.E.S., events, and beyond to encourage and support one another in our day-to-day lives. Our focus is to be a small church with many people; which means we are passionate about every single individual getting connected, feeling loved, and know that they belong.  Church is not just a Sunday gathering it's actually doing life together on a daily basis.  We desire for a place where everyone is able to connect relationally with others (the church) while embarking on their personal journey with God. Although life may bring difficult times, life in proximity allows us to love one another and allows room for each of us to grow as we seek God's direction in our lives.
Your financial support and generosity enables us to create quality environments for you, your family and your loved ones to enjoy. 
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 
2 Corinthians 9:7
Our website is currently under construction, but we still look forward to connecting with you!
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(located at Odyssey Middle School)
9290 Lee Vista Blvd Orlando, FL 32929
(407) 504-0044